Jazz and world music
Album | Year | Label | Comment |
Brazilian Choros on saxophone | 2007 | ARP | Graef plays Pixinguinha, listen |
Lautlos Regenatem |
2003 | aphaia | with lyrics by Rosemarie Zens, compositions sung by Esther Kaiser, improvisations wth Uli Moritz |
Emsdettener Totentanz | 2002 | MMC, Boston |
Chamber Oratorio |
Orlando Frames | 2001 | NABEL 4690 |
RBB Radio Kultur with Jörg Schippa (git), Ulrich Moritz (perc)
Orlando Fragments | 1999 | NABEL 4681 |
with Jörg Schippa (git), Uli Moritz (perc)
Saxoridoo | 1998 | FMP-OWN |
Duets with Achim Goettert
„Das wohltemperierte Blues-Saxophon“
Parabel ir re parabel | 1989 | ZONG | Deutsche Schallplatten GmbH (formerly Amiga) with A. Riermeier (perc), last GDR production |
Daily New Paradox | 1977 | FMP | Friedemann Graf Group with Thomas Wiedermann (tb), Thomas Wegel (b), Albrecht Riermeier (perc), Lutz Halfter (dr) |
Fusion | 1978 | VYNIL | Klaus Lenz Jazz + Rock Machine |
Who is Who | 1980 | FMP-SAJ | Berlin Jazzworkshop Orchestra + John Tchicai |
Exit | 1981 | FMP | Baritonsax and Percussion with Albrecht Riermeier |
Sib Langis | 1981 | FMP-SAJ | Berlin Jazzworkshop Orchestra |
Kamalesh Maitra | 1986 | TELDEC | Ragatala Ensemble |
U-3-Klang | 1988 | ITM | Bigband with Ray Anderson, Nippy Noya, Albrecht Riermeier, Heiner Goebbels, Wolfgang Puschnigg, Harry Beckett, Annie Whitehead, Michael Sell, Topo Gioia |
Saxophone & organ
Berliner Saxophon Quartett
Title | Year | Label | Comment |
Renaissance | 2009 | CPO/JPC | Old music with new instruments |
12 Tones for 4 Saxophones | 1998 | BIT |
jazz orientied new musik
incl. Graef: On Greenwich Avenue
Harald Genzmer Saxophonwerke | 1996 | KOCH | |
Bach: „Kunst der Fuge“ | 1994 | CPO/JPC | 16 Fugues & 4 Canons, arranged by F. Graef |
Saxophonie | 1994 | OPUS |
Compositions by Glasunow, Genzmer, Moulaert etc.
BSQ Volume II. | 1991 | KOCH | 150 years of musik für Saxophonquartett; Inkl. Graef: „ROndO“ |
Saxophonquartette | 1986 | KOCH | spätromantische Originalwerke |
Achim Reichel, Alphaville, u.a. (Pop) |
Manfred Burzlaff, Wolfgang Thierfeldt, Jörg Schippa, ac.t art (Jazz) |
Michael Sell, Dietrich Erdmann (Neue Musik) |
Ricardo Chailly (Gershwin), Vladimir Ashkenasy (Strawinsky) |
Weihnachts-CD CHRISMON |
Hörbuch über Adolphe SAX Edition DUOPHON |
„Klangdenkmal“ Streichquartette des Deutschen Komponistenverbandes, |
Musik für den Dokumentarfilm über das Kloster REGINA MARIA MARTYRUM, Berlin |
Trio Sono Soli, Aachen |
Trio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre (Cezar Ferreira, Daniel Nodari) |